How to Make Pancakes From Scratch

Stop eating garbage pancakes. That nonsense in a box is barely even a pancake. It’s not worth it, and really, are you eating pancakes enough to warrant having a special box in the cupboard that specifically contains pancake ingredients?

Make and enjoy fresher pancakes with this recipe that will have you making homemade pancakes from scratch.

How to Bake French Fries

This recipe will give you delicious homemade oven-baked french fries. This option is cleaner, healthier and somewhat easier than deep frying.

Oven baking your french fries is a healthier choice. If you’re looking for a recipe for less healthy but more delicious fries, check out the recipe for deep-fried french fries

Oven Baked French Fries
French fries by thepinkpeppercorn via Flickr – Creative Commons

Baked French Fry Ingredients

Potatoes and vegetable oil.

And some salt.

How to Bake French Fries

Preheat your oven to 450 degrees.

Wash your potatoes.

Cut them into neat little fry shapes. (Consult the picture above if you’re not sure what french fries are shaped like.)

Put them in a bowl. Add a couple tablespoons of oil and stir and shake around until the potatoes are thoroughly but lightly coated.

Lay on a baking sheet and cook for about thirty minutes.

Optionally: add salt.

French Fry Making Tips

  • When baking french fries, a thicker cut will usually turn out tastier. Feel free to experiment to see what works best for you.
  • If you make french fries a lot, you may want a french fry cutter. It really makes this whole process easier.

Easy Homemade Deep Fry French Fries

This is a super easy recipe for making delicious homemade deep fry french fries.

A couple of homemade french fries

Most people only ever eat beef flavored potato cakes, and call them french fries. As with any other food, if you make it yourself, you know what you are eating.

French Fry Ingredients

Potatoes and vegetable oil. Lots and lots of vegetable oil.

Maybe salt. Maybe.

How to Deep Fry French Fries

First things first, wash your potatoes. Potatoes are filthy.

Chop your now clean potatoes up into fry shaped bits. If you’re not sure what a fry shaped bit looks like, reference the picture above.

To make good french fries you will need to have either a deep cast iron frying pan, or an actual deep fryer. (Alternatively, you can follow this recipe for oven-baked french fries, but you should probably just deep fry them instead.)

Pre-heat your oil to about 375 degrees and drop some sliced up potatoes in there. Cook them until golden brown. Drip dry as you remove them from the oil, and add some salt if you want.

Tips for Cooking Deep Fry French Fries

  • Don’t overcrowd your fries in the oil. They’ll stick together and cook unevenly. Just be patient and do it right.
  • If you plan on making french fries often, get a french fry cutter.

    For a healthier alternative, check out this recipe for sweet potato fries.

Extra Cheesy Alfredo Sauce

Most alfredo sauces you see are quite thin and creamy but that doesn’t necessarily have to be the case. With a few minor tweaks you can get a thicker, richer cheesy alfredo sauce.

Extra Cheesy Alfredo Sauce

For a more traditional recipe for alfredo sauce, check out this easy alfredo sauce recipe.

Cheesy Alfredo Sauce Ingredients

While much cheesier than our other alfredo sauce recipe, this one still uses only a few simple ingredients.

You’re going to need:

  • Fresh garlic
  • Butter
  • Heavy whipping cream
  • Parmesan cheese
  • And a bit of cream cheese

How to Prepare Extra Cheesy Alfredo Sauce

In a saucepan, combine three quarters of a cup of butter with three cups of cream and three or four tablespoons of cream cheese. Simmer at low to medium heat.

Add four finely minced garlic cloves.

Slowly add one and a quarter cups of parmesan cheese. You want to prevent clumping, so add a little bit, allow it to start melting in, and then add some more.

Continue simmering at low heat for about fifteen minutes.

Pour over pasta, and enjoy.

Cheesy Alfredo Sauce Tips

  • Make sure you don’t let the sauce come to a boil. It pretty much just burns the cheese and makes the whole thing terrible.
  • As with any homemade pasta sauces, it is always a good idea to at least consider making your own homemade pasta to really get the full value out of your time spent cooking.

How to Get More Juice From a Lime

Using no science whatsoever it can be easily proven that most people waste the majority of their limes. You can easily get at least twice as much juice per lime just by using this simple guide. In some cases people have reported an eleventy billion percent increase in juice per lime.

Most folks instinctively chop their limes in half to get the juice out. Because the juice is inside that green thingy, most people just assume you cut it open and bam, out comes juice.

It’s not quite so simple.

How Not to Juice a Lime
Don’t do this

How to Get More Juice From a Lime

Getting the most juice out of your limes is a simple matter of technique. It can be summed up quite easily: cut the lime in five parts instead of two. Don’t cut it down the middle. That’s wasteful and totally crazy.

 First, cut your lime in three parts horizontally. Here’s a picture to help you along:
How to Juice a Lime
Cut #1

And then cut the ends off the middle piece in the same way. Here’s another picture. Pictures make things easier to explain. They’re worth like a dozen words or something.

How to Juice a Lime
Cut #2

Now squeeze it. Just squeeze out all the juice. From all five parts of your lime.

And marvel that you can now properly juice a lime for use in drinks and recipes and whatever people use lime juice for.